How long does coronavirus last on surfaces

Viruses survive by replicating themselves inside a living cell. However if they can’t find a cell then they have a limited amount of time they can remain alive.

Here are some of the common surfaces and time coronavirus is estimated to survive.

Air droplets

If someone sneezes or coughs, the virus can remain in the air for up to 3 hours. There is a chance if you come into enough contact with those droplets, you could become infected.

Glass, Countertops, Stainless Steel, Plastic

Public transport is the most common place where the virus has been transmitted, excluding the Ruby Princess in this instance. Similarly, a sneeze or cough onto a glass, stainless steel or plastic surface - the virus can remain there for up to 3 days.

Cardboard, Fabric, Paper

Researches didn’t find traces of the virus after a day on cardboard, fabric and paper surfaces as they are porous in nature.

While the curve is being flattened globally, it isn’t time to throw out diligent hand washing and hand sanitiser. Chances remain that the global community is going to need to keep protective measure in place for sometime as the restrictions are slowly lifted.


Here are some handy ways to stay on your guard and protect yourself - and your loved ones from the deadly coronavirus.

Alcohol Spray Bottle

If your cleaning material has less than 60% of alcohol, it’s not really going to do the trick. I managed to purchase 500ml of 100% alcohol and added that to a cosmetic spray bottle that I keep in my bag or around the house. It’s great to give light switches, door handles, mail, keys, my phone and bag a quick spray to keep it virus free.

Gloves at the Petrol Pump

There have been reports that petrol pumps are hot spots for getting, and it really not worth the risk. I got some latex gloves that I pop on and fill up my car and then leave them in a glove box for when I need them again.

BYO Supermarket Bags

Instead of using supermarket trolleys or baskets, you can bring your own - which saves on having to wipe down more surfaces. If you are stocking up then trolley bags are great. It also helps to bring a few extra bags to pack them to at the end of your trip.

Ozone Generators

It’s not always possible to spray every surface, completely avoid touching your face, or control the air you breathe. Ozone generators are highly effective at killing viruses as they destroy the viral envelope when they are between host cells.

Ozone gas has been proven to kill the SARS coronavirus and since the structure of the new 2019- coronavirus is almost identical to that of the SARS coronavirus

Ozone generators typically come in an air and water format. The air ozone generator is great at sterilising the air if you are in an office or public space and some can be plugged into your computer USB drive to keep them running. I love to turn mine on in the car, just incase my steering wheel gets a droplet or another surface.

Water ozone generators can be connected to your tap, making that 20 second hand wash all the more effective, or is you are short on time - it will do the job on contact. You can also add it to a spray bottle to cover your surfaces instead of alcohol, although remembering it will only last for 30 minutes. It’s also great for washing clothes, dish cloths or other items so you can use less hot water - or just for that extra peace of mind, that you are covered.

The great upside of ozone, is that it is completely natural and sustainable so you have less harmful chemicals to deal with.

Learn more about air ozone generators.

Learn more about water ozone generators.

Olivia Holtz