How I cleared my acne - and kept it away!

Acne is often a terrible fact of life for many people, especially as it takes a seemingly enormous amount of time for it to clear. It is a severe skin condition where the pores become clogged in a complex way that makes it very difficult to remedy. Your face is the most visible  aspect of you and one of the worst side effects is that is wreaks havoc with your self esteem. It is nearly impossible to feel good about yourself when you face each day for months on end with red, inflamed and pussy skin.


I would like to share my skin journey with you, as I battled Acne several times as a teenager and now have found a trick to keep it away, so I can enjoy my life without these catastrophic hindrances and put your best face forward.   

The causes of acne are not well understood, some say that it is genetic, others hormonal or stress related. It is not alway possible to treat the root cause to prevent acne but instead focussing on the management of acne. It is a slippery slope, from when a few spots pop up and you try to get rid of those with the worst thing you can do, squeezing - but you do it anyway. Next your skin often becomes infected and that inflammation spreads further and becomes more noticeable. An aggravated skin is hard to manage and it is almost impossible to anything right and it can happen so quickly and take many months to reverse as the usual suspects to clear acne are not always effective.  

So before you bring out the big guns and get a subscription to harmful chemicals like the pill, accutane or topical treatments like benzoyl peroxide (Differin) let’s explore the best ways to manage acne.

Positive mental attitude for acne

In times of skin challenges it can be very difficult to be your usual cheery self. However if you focus on negative things it will be much harder to deal with. Howard Murad, the founder of Murad skincare conducted a study of 40 female patients and found that after four weeks of reading positive affirmations the women scored a lower blood pressure, stress levels and had improved skin.

Dr Nicholas Perricone also found that stress causes hormones like cortisol and epinephrine or adrenaline to spike and that causes increases inflammation loss in collagen. Living mindfully and positively decrease these hormones and in other words less stress and a sunny disposition equals a beautiful skin.

Everyone if different, if you enjoy yoga and meditation to take stress out of your life then find time to do what you love. It will help to reset and build your capacity to be positive.

Find antibacterial solutions for acne


When you have breakouts and severe ones like acne, it is risky to leave them be. The best management of acne is finding an effective and natural way to contain bacteria and stop it from spreading.

It is important to preserve the healthy dermal ballance of you skin without stripping the natural oil. It may seem counterintuitive that because your skin is blocked from excess oil that you shouldn’t  use more oil. Yes - oil is good for your skin; without oil your skin becomes dry, aggravated and goes into an emergency state of heightened stress. Sebum is an important part of your skin and it needs to be nourished and preserved.  

With that said, alcohol, while good at stopping bacteria can also dry your skin and should be avoided because it can cause more harm than good.

Tea tree oil is a good spot treatment but can irritate and dry out your skin by throwing out your skin’s ph balance and reducing your skin’s moisture barrier.

The best way to manage breakouts and acne is with a natural anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory oil that can be mixed into your daily routine. We love the elavo miracle ozonated jojoba oil that can keep the balance of acne prone skin without stripping your natural oils away.

The oxygenated properties of the ozonated oil are highly effective at eradicating bacteria so any breakouts loose their fighting power to spread. If you have noticed how clean and fresh the air smells after a lightning storm, ozone oils have those same capabilities, and all in a jar.  

The elavo miracle ozonated oil is paired with jojoba oils that is ideal for acne prone skin as it mimics your own natural oils to calm and soothe your skin.